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Video Production

Video Production

Video production have been a cornerstone of DMS since day one because it is a three dimensional communications medium (picture, sound, and graphics). With the exception of live face-to-face interaction, there is no more effective and motivational way to communicate than with video. Whether your end product is promotional, educational, or informational, we will take the time to understand and define your goals, objectives, and target audience. We’ve found that while creativity is important, managing the process determines whether a project meets or exceeds client expectations.

Over the past 25 years, we’ve developed an 8 stage production process that virtually ensures the objectives of a program are met, and that the project is completed on time and within budget. We’re not interested in just producing a video. We want to use video to solve your communications challenges

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What our clients have to say...

We had a low traffic website and not many requests for limo rentals. DMS designed and built a new website making it much easier for visitors to view our fleet of vehicles and the new site is ranking much higher. We now get over 130 forms submitted per month from around 640 non-paid visits and

- Majestic Limo Service
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